Wednesday 19 October 2011

Giant USB mouse by Brando


 For fans of all things novel, Brando has something for you in the form of a giant USB mouse, and by giant, well, the photo above should speak volumes for the size of the mouse! It measures 175mm long, 105mm wide and 55mm tall, and if you’re trying to put that into context, it’s almost double the width of the iPhone 4 and about 60mm longer than the iPhone 4.
We’re not sure if this is a mouse you would want on your desk since it looks like it will take up quite a fair bit of space, but if you’re into novel items or just want to switch things up a bit, we’ll have to admit that in the photo above the giant USB mouse in the dark looks very cool, like a space ship of sorts.

If this is something you’d like to get your hands on (pun intended), head on down to Brando’s website where you will be able to pick it up for a cool $20. Check out the video below to see it in action.

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