Sunday 9 October 2011

Amazon Kindle Fire tablet believed to hit 250,000 pre-orders

Amazon Kindle Fire
Amazon launched its very own Android tablet last week, the Amazon Kindle Fire – and its own name seems to be an indicator of how popular the tablet is because it sure is selling like hot cakes! The tablet was only announced last Wednesday and it seems that Amazon has managed to hit 250,000 pre-orders – according to reports from unofficial sources close to the company. To put things into perspective, that’s more than what the PlayBook took a whole fiscal quarter to do.

It looks like what TechCrunch said about the Amazon tablet might come to pass: the tablet is starting to look like it’s going to be “on many people’s holiday wish-list this year” if it’s not on their wish lists already. Amazon’s positioning in marketing the device with the aid of its very own ecosystem (eBooks, magazines, newspapers, music, movies, and apps) sure puts it in a good position above other Android tablets, and possibly head to head against the iPad.
Not to mention its low, low price of $199 that many people don’t mind paying for.

What do you think about the Amazon Kindle Fire? Will any of you be picking up this tablet when it goes on sale, or have you already made your pre-order?

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